Shahrzad belly dancer biography template

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Shahrzad belly dancer biography template

  • Shahrzad belly dancer biography template pdf
  • Dancer belly dancing
  • Belly dancer in michigan
  • Shahrzad belly dancer biography template free
  • Belly Dance Blog

    We got to speak to the amazing, beautiful and talented international belly dance star Shahrzad and learn more about her history and experience as a belly dancer, her practice habits and philosophies, life as a dancer in Egypt, and more... 

    I understand that you have been belly dancing since age 11. What drew you to belly dance at such a young age? Tell us the story of how you got interested in this dance, and how you got started!

    Yes, I was really young when I became interested in belly dance!

    Shahrzad belly dancer biography template pdf

    My first exposure to it was seeing an advertisement for belly dance fitness videos on TV. I don't know what it was that drew me in so much but I was hooked right away. My mom got me the videos and a few weeks later I was asking for classes. 


    Can you tell us about your journey as a belly dancer: some trials and tribulations you went through, or some of your biggest wins or proudest achievements?

    At this point I have